Friday, September 17, 2010

Please be good!

So we are going camping this weekend...without the crispies, of course. That means they will have the house to themselves all weekend! Oh, the trouble they could get into! Whenever we leave like this, we have to be sure to thoroughly cat-proof the house...closing off entire rooms, hiding breakables, etc. They can sense we are leaving, so they are being extra naughty this morning...

Beau Bear is coming with us...he loves camping. I wish we could tell him that we are going, he would be so excited! He will get to spend the whole weekend with his lady friend, Shadow (my dad's black lab). They get along pretty well, although Shadow doesn't love sharing her table scraps!

I sure wish we could take the cats...maybe I can leash train them!? Wouldn't that be a sight to see...four cats and two dogs on tie-outs at a campground!
Here's hoping the cats don't destroy the house while we are gone!

1 comment:

  1. The question is "can BB behave himself for the whole weekend?". I really hope so, but knowing him, all this excitement might be too much.
