Friday, October 1, 2010

Furry Friendships

Now here is something I just MUST's too darn cute not to!
My dad and stepmom got a new kitten a couple weeks ago (whom I have yet to meet).

This is him:

Cute, right?

They also have a lovely black lab named shadow. She is about 5 years old, pretty overweight, and just like another one of their children! She is really a great dog, but we wondered how she would like having a new "little brother." (Especially since my dad spent years teaching her to "get the kitty!")

Turns out, they get along just fine.....

Isn't that just adorable?!?! I love it :)
Little Harley even gets to go camping with them on the weekends! How many cats get to do such exciting things?!
And now Shadow has someone to keep her company while she lounges around in the camper all day!

Things like this always make my day :)

I wonder what it would take to get a Crispy to curl up next to Beau Bear.....

1 comment:

  1. They are super cute. I wonder if they play together? Can't wait to meet Harley. Still can't believe that name won after all.
